The effects of vermicompost and nano silicon on yield and the trend of changes some ‎physiological traits of rye (Secale cereal L.) in different irrigation regimes‎

Document Type : Research Paper


Ph.D. student in the field of crop physiology. Department of Plant Production and Genetics, Faculty of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Mohaghegh Ardabili, Ardabil, Iran



Background and objectives: Drought is one of the most important factors limiting crop production. ‎Several methods have been proposed to increase the resistance of crops against water limitation. In this ‎regard, the use of vermicompost and silicon can improve the performance of crop plants under stress ‎conditions. Considering the above fact, thr present study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of ‎nanosilicon and vermicompost application on grain yield and the trend of changes some physiological ‎traits (i.e, chlorophyll index, nitrogen index, relative water content, leaf electrical conductivity and ‎stomatal conductivity) of rye in different irrigation regimes.‎
Materials and methods: a factorial experiment based on randomized complete block design with three ‎replications was conducted under the research greenhouse conditions in 2023. Treatments were various ‎irrigation regimes (normal irrigation as control, irrigation withholding at 50% of booting and heading ‎stages as severe and moderate water limitation, respectively), application of nanosilicon and ‎vermicompost at four levels (no application as control, application of nanosilicon, vermicompost, both ‎application vermicompost and nanosilicon). Vermicompost was prepared from Gilda corporation and ‎silicon from Pishgaman Nanomaterials Company. Nano silicon was with the average of particle size of ‎less than 30 nm. Foliar application of Si was done in stages of tillering and stem elongation (BBCH 21 ‎and 30, respectively).‎‏ ‏Two weeks after irrigation withholding in booting stage, some biochemical and ‎physiological traits were measured on the flag leaf. The trend of changes some traits such as chlorophyll ‎index, nitrogen index, relative water content, leaf electrical conductivity and stomatal conductivity were ‎measured at time intervals every four days from 135 to 150 days after planting.‎‏ ‏Analysis of variance was ‎done by software package SAS v9.12. The main effects and interactions were compared by LSD test at the ‎‎0.05 the probability level, using the SAS version 9.1. ‎
Results: study of the trend of changes some physiological traits showed that in 151 days after planting
under irrigation withholding at of booting conditions, application of vermicompost and nano silicon ‎increased chlorophyll index (47.9%), nitrogen index (47.6%), relative content of flag leaf (30.2 %), ‎stomatal conductance (12.8%), root weight and volume (22.3 and 28.3%, respectively), plant height ‎‎(32.5%), spike length (32.2%), the number of grains per spike (40.2 %) and grain yield (7.3%) as ‎compared to no application of nano silicon and vermicompost at the same level from irrigation levels. ‎Also, under irrigation withholding at of booting stage conditions, no application of nano silicon and ‎vermicompost increased electrical conductivity (13.8%), hydrogen peroxide content (26.7%) and ‎malondialdehyde (9.8%) as compared to application of nano silicon and vermicompost at the same level ‎from irrigation levels.‎
Conclusion: Therefore, with considering of the results of this study, it can be stated that, applying ‎nano silicon and vermicompost were able to compensate part of the yield reduction caused by water ‎limitation by improving some physiological traits of rye.‎


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