Effect of drought stress on physiological characteristics and seed yield of sunflower at different levels of nitrogen

Document Type : Research Paper


Background and Purpose: In the case of sunflower plant moisture stress faced with the need to change to maintain Crop management while achieving acceptable performance on the efficiency of resources course of action. This reduces the cost of production on the one hand and on the other hand may prevent unnecessary usage of nitrogen that is not associated with increased functionality provides. And also help to maintain or improve the quality of groundwater.

Material and Method: :The study in the summer of 2010 in a farm located in the city Hamidieh the city of Khuzestan province (latitude 31 degrees 33 minutes and longitude 48 degrees, 10 minutes with a height of 13 meters above sea level) was conducted. Textured loamy clay soil research with pH 7.7 , electrical conductivity of 3.1 ds.m and Total nitrogen was 0.08%. To evaluate the effect of drought stress on physiological characteristics and yield of sunflower in different levels of nitrogen The study was conducted using hybrids between Euroflour clay. The study split-plot in a randomized complete block design with three replications. Irrigation as the main card at three levels of optimum irrigation, moderate stress and severe water stress that irrigation water by discharging 50, 70 and 90 percent moisture were applied. And nitrogen as subplots in three levels of 80, 140 and 200 kg of nitrogen per hectare was applied.

Results: The results showed that grain yield, proline, chlorophyll a and b Received under drought conditions Drought stress caused a significant decrease in grain yield, chlorophyll a and b and the relative humidity leaf, but increased the amount of proline. The main reason for the reduction of grain yield in drought stress treatments, reducing the number of seeds per head and seed weight. See different amounts of nitrogen in terms of grain yield, protein and chlorophyll a and b were significant. With increasing use of nitrogen in optimum irrigation and drought moderate stress, these attributes significantly increased.

Conclusion: The results showed severe water stress and low nitrogen consumption in moderate drought stress conditions favorable to the consumption of 140 kg nitrogen per hectare is recommended. According to various environmental conditions in terms of irrigation, nitrogen (using 80, 140 and 200 kg N ha) To increase the yield of sunflower seeds Euroflour the creation of favorable conditions in terms of water supply and management is important in nitrogen.

Keywords: drought, Euroflour varieties, Sunflower, nitrogen, yield


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