Study of grain yield stability and genotype – environment interaction in 20 bread wheat lines in warm and dry areas of south of Iran

Document Type : Research Paper


In order to determine yield stability and evaluation of genotype × environment interaction, 20 spring bread wheat promising lines and varieties were studied in a randomized complete block design with three replications in four warm and dry stations (Ahwaz, Dezful, Darab, & khorramabad) during 2002-2004. Chamran cultivar was a check in two years trial. The results revealed that the grain yield of genotypes were different in studied environments. Combined analysis results confirmed that the effects of location and year, and the interaction of location × year×genotype were significant statistically in 5% and 1% levels respectively. Stability analysis for grain yield of genotypes based on Eberhart and Ressel linear regression coefficient, Wrick’s ecovalence, Shukla’s stability variance, Index for simultaneous selection, non-parametric statistic method (mean rank of yield, standard deviation of rank of yield, and yield index ratio), AMMI and SHMM models, revealed that the genotypes No. 1, 7 and 2 were the most stable genotypes.